Project One - Low Income Homes

In 2020, the US census recorded the information on over 48,000 households. We were tasked with creating a model to predict whether someone has an annual income of over $50,000.

To do this, we performed basic data manipulation, and a Random Forrest Regression on the dataset to gain some insight.

The purpose of this project is to predict whether someone has an annual income of over $50,000. The annual census is taken to help governments provide resources to families in need. But, there are many situations when this data will not be accurate or complete. Such as, when leadership changes the thresholds for low-income households, or when families do not fill out the census. In cases like these, it is important to keep track of low-income families so that the government can find ways to provide them with the necessary aid. This project aims to find households that are low-income (making under $50,000 annually) so that proper support can be given based on specific predictors.

More on Low Income Families

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